<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> Untitled Document Spice your Dance with Exchange of roles!
(Workhop with Tobias Funke and Natascha Russo) Invite the change of roles and how to take over: We will warm up with basic leading concepts common in contact-improvisation, then cautiously shift to elements of tango. How to use body tension smoothly changing roles? How to offer or take over change of roles and which role the embrace can play? What is a good position or good steps for it in a crowded Milonga? We will certainly find it out together, leaving space for exchange and exercise. The Lesson will be open to all dance levels; you can come as a single person. It is possible to participate as a follower or a leader and as a dancer knowing both roles. For all levels. Prerequisites: Basic elements of tango.