Drop In Workshops 2011


  • (A) Beginners
    No tango experience needed
  • (B) Advanced beginner
    ½ - 1½ years of dancing
  • (C) Intermediate/Advanced
    1½ - 5 years of dancing

Register to Drop In Workshops

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Schedule Beginners Drop In

Friday 13/5

Saturday 14/5

Sunday 15/5

Sveavägen 41
Subway: Rådmansgatan

Sveavägen 41
Subway: Rådmansgatan

Sveavägen 59
Subway: Rådmansgatan


All levels
Musicality & Waltz
A workshop about musical understanding and practice in the dynamics of waltz and its rhythmical possibilities. The Course is hands-on and you get to dance both as leader and follower with basic steps.
Charlotte Rivero
N.B. 2.5 h course.
Also for beginners with basic elements of tango


Beginners/ Adv. beg.
Spice your Dance with Exchange of roles!
Tobias Funke &
Natascha Russo
N.B. Elements of tango needed
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Your first steps of tango
Charlotte Rivero



Schedule Advanced Beginners Drop In

Friday 13/5

Saturday 14/5

Sunday 15/5

Sveavägen 41
Subway: Rådmansgatan

Sveavägen 41
Subway: Rådmansgatan
Sveavägen 59
Subway: Rådmansgatan
Sveavägen 59
Subway: Rådmansgatan


All levels
Musicality & Waltz
A workshop about musical understanding and practice in the dynamics of waltz and its rhythmical possibilities. The Course is hands-on and you get to dance both as leader and follower with basic steps.
Charlotte Rivero
N.B. 2.5 h course


Advanced Beginners/ Beginners
Spice your Dance with Exchange of roles!
Tobias Funke &
Natascha Russo
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Advanced Beginners
Tango Release - Folding & Unfolding roles
Adriana Pegorer
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Advanced Beginners
Get into Flow
with Sliding Roles!
Charlotte Rivero &
Sabine Berge
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Schedule Intermediate/Advanced Drop In

Friday 13/5

Saturday 14/5

Sunday 15/5

Sveavägen 59
Subway: Rådmansgatan

Sveavägen 41
Subway: Rådmansgatan
Sveavägen 41
Subway: Rådmansgatan

All levels
Musicality & Waltz
A workshop about musical understanding and practice in the dynamics of waltz and its rhythmical possibilities. The Course is hands-on and you get to dance both as leader and follower with basic steps.
Charlotte Rivero
N.B. 2.5 h course


Interm./ Advanced
Spice your Dance with Exchange of roles!

Tobias Funke &
Natascha Russo
arrowMore info

Interm./ Advanced
Get into Flow
with Sliding Roles!

Charlotte Rivero &
Sabine Berge
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Interm./ Advanced
Tango Release - Folding & Unfolding roles
Adriana Pegorer
arrowMore info


Overview Drop In Schedule

Friday 13/5

Saturday 14/5

Sunday 15/5





11.00-13.30 Abf
All levels
Musicality & Waltz
A workshop about musical understanding and practice in the dynamics of waltz and its rhythmical possibilities. The Course is hands-on and you get to dance both as leader and follower with basic steps.
Charlotte Rivero
N.B. 2.5 h course. Elements of tango needed


13.40-15.40 Abf
Interm./ Advanced
Spice your Dance with Exchange of roles!

Tobias Funke &
Natascha Russo
arrowMore info

13.30-15.30 Abf
Interm./ Advanced
Get into Flow
with Sliding Roles!

Charlotte Rivero &
Sabine Berge
arrowMore info

17.00-18.30 Abf
Your first steps of tango
Charlotte Rivero


13.30-15.30 Rfsl
Beginners/ Adv. Beg.
Spice your Dance with Exchange of roles!
Tobias Funke &
Natascha Russo
N.B. Elements of tango needed
arrowMore info

17.30-19.30 Rfsl
Interm./ Advanced
Tango Release - Folding & Unfolding roles
Adriana Pegorer
arrowMore info

17.30-19.30 Rfsl
Advanced Beginners
Tango Release - Folding & Unfolding roles
Adriana Pegorer
arrowMore info

19.00-21.00 Abf
Advanced Beginners
Get into Flow
with Sliding Roles!

Charlotte Rivero &
Sabine Berge
arrowMore info


ABF Logo

© Tangoverkstan - roles in motion ®
Information on this side may be subject of changes














Musicality & Waltz
What is the difference/similarity between wiener waltz and tango waltz? What is the difference between tango waltz and tango? A workshop about musical understanding and practice in the dynamics of waltz and its rhythmical possibilities. The Course is hands-on and you get to dance both as leader and follower with basic steps. 

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Musicality & Waltz
What is the difference/similarity between wiener waltz and tango waltz? What is the difference between tango waltz and tango? A workshop about musical understanding and practice in the dynamics of waltz and its rhythmical possibilities. The Course is hands-on and you get to dance both as leader and follower with basic steps. 

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Musicality & Waltz
What is the difference/similarity between wiener waltz and tango waltz? What is the difference between tango waltz and tango? A workshop about musical understanding and practice in the dynamics of waltz and its rhythmical possibilities. The Course is hands-on and you get to dance both as leader and follower with basic steps. 

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Musicality & Waltz
What is the difference/similarity between wiener waltz and tango waltz? What is the difference between tango waltz and tango? A workshop about musical understanding and practice in the dynamics of waltz and its rhythmical possibilities. The Course is hands-on and you get to dance both as leader and follower with basic steps. 

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